Festival review 2022

respekt-Johanni 2022

After a break of two years, we were finally able to celebrate the summer solstice again with many dear friends. Bernhard Ott on the Wagram was a phenomenal host. We ate and drank excellently, presented our wines to our guests and marvelled at the huge St. John's fire at the end. Thankfully well protected by the Feuersbrunn fire brigade.

Many thanks also to:
Koch.Campus →
Restaurant Göttfried →
Restaurant Kolm →
Bäckerei Öfferl →
Fleischwaren Höllerschmid →
Reisetbauer →
Trumer Brauerei →
Zalto Glas →.
for their generous support.

By the way, respekt-Johanni was not only enjoyable celebrating, it was also enjoyable learning! Dr Georg Meißner, from the Geisenheim University in Germany, among others, gave a lecture on #biodiversity in vineyards in Bernhard's press house - as a prelude to our theme for the year. Among the topics discussed - highly concentrated, as you can see - were the different approaches to agriculture and nature. From the outdated term "nature conservation" to "protect by using" to "protect by developing" (evolutionary agrarian culture). What is the task of agriculture? Plenty of material for discussion! We will continue in autumn.

Here is also a fine filmed retrospective. Danke nochmals allen, die zu unserem schönen Fest beigetragen haben! #respectfriends #respectnature #biodynamicwine

respekt Johanni-festival 2022 • Impressions

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